My Story

Belief #1

If you change your thoughts you can change your LIFE!

Belief #2

All we can can change is ourselves, but sometimes this changes EVERYTHING!

Belief #3

Nothing changes if nothing changes.


Welcome! I'm so glad you are here. 

I am a Certified Functional Medicine Health & Wellness Coach specializing in weight loss and lifestyle change.

I'm 51 (still trying to say that without flinching!) and have so far survived raising my 3 beautiful daughters (27, 25 and 19). 

Being successful in MY OWN weight loss and getting my health on track completely changed my life in ways I never imagined. This is what brought me to health coaching. To connect with women who have lost their sense of self, and empower them to take back their life and take control of their health! This is my passion.

For me, it started out being all about the weight.

While optimal health is not all about weight, for those of you who are dealing with obesity, I understand first and foremost it IS all about weight. At least that is where it starts.

But it is just the beginning! 


I know you don't need me to tell you that carrying excess weight is not healthy. It increases the risk of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart & respiratory disease as well as many types of cancer. Nor is it healthy for your frame. Your back, knees, ankles and feet all suffer when you are carrying extra weight leading to dis-ease such as knee pain, back & hip issues and painful feet.  

Trust me.  As you age, you will begin to experience the resultant symptoms of years of wear and tear on your body caused by the physical stress of the excess weight. I have dealt with herniated disks, sciatic nerve pain and now degenerative disk disease which is 100% attributable to carrying around an extra 100+ lbs for so many years.  

The loss of energy, stamina, mobility and self-worth were an even greater consequence. 

If you can relate, keep reading. 



Like many young girls, I dealt with insecurities and body image issues growing up, forever comparing myself to others and feeling like I never measured up.

Though I always thought of myself as overweight, it really wasn't until after high school that my weight started to get out of control. I married at a young age, and with that came a lot of stressors. Throughout those years I dealt with depression and anxiety and food was definitely my comfort. 

I started experimenting and failing at all kinds of extreme plans and programs to lose weight, which left me feeling worthless and only resulted in further weight gain. I was riding the yo-yo roller-coaster and didn’t know how to get off.

I always had that 'on or off' mentality when it came to eating well and self-care. Either I was all in, toeing the line or I was completely off the rails. The smallest slip-up could send me spiraling for days, weeks, even months of eating all the things and beating myself up for failing yet again.

There was no in between. 

I realize now that staying in a situation that was not healthy for me was keeping me stuck in this destructive cycle. I was just going through the motions of my life, but not really living. I felt ashamed at how I had let myself go and eventually shut myself off from friends and even family at times.

By the time I turned 37 I weighed in at 298 lbs. I had literally dieted my way up to almost 300 lbs. I remember that number being my turning point. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I considered weight loss surgery but ultimately decided that no matter how hard it would be to lose the weight once and for all, it couldn't be as hard as staying where I was. 

Being overweight is hard physically and even harder emotionally. Unless you have lived it, it really is impossible to understand. I understand. I remember looking in the mirror and not even recognizing myself.

It has been over 12 years ago now that I made the decision to take control of my health. Through moderate exercise and lifestyle changes (and LOTS of trial and error) I lost 80 lbs that first year and continued to ultimately lose a total of 120 lbs. 

Losing the weight changed my entire life.

I am not thin by any measure, but I am at a healthy weight that I am able to maintain and feel proud of. I am grateful for this body that has carried me through life.

While I may not be perfect, I am now perfectly me.  

I am also now conscious of the fact that my choice to respect and care for this body will greatly increase the likelihood of me leading a long and healthy life free of pain, discomfort and disease.  

What greater gift can we give ourselves? 

Above all I feel like I am finally setting a good example for my daughters. Teaching them to be confident, to love themselves and to prioritize their health. I am showing them that they can accomplish anything they set their mind to if they work hard and stay consistent with their efforts! I am teaching them to love and to respect their body, because we are ALL perfectly imperfect.

While losing the weight had a huge impact in my life and led me down this path toward self-improvement, I went through a serious health scare a few years ago and it really brought my HEALTH to the forefront for me. I am sure many of you can relate how quickly ALL priorities shift when you are faced with losing your health, or the health of a loved one. 

I had a full hysterectomy to remove all threats of my pre-cancerous condition which was successful. But it prompted me to stop taking my health for granted and to start making some much needed changes to my lifestyle!

A lifetime of eating all the sugar and processed foods not to mention the fast food! The lack of whole foods and nutrients in my diet. The DECADES of dieting and using artificial sweeteners and chemical ridden foods. A lifetime of unknowingly cooking with and eating oils that produce toxicity and cause permanent damage to our cells! All of this was literally creating an environment in my body for disease. I was shocked at how little I understood!

This is what led me to seeking out a quality education in health & nutrition. I wanted to learn everything I could in order to lead MYSELF and my family to better health. This in turn, is what brought me to health coaching! 

There is so much more in your control than you realize when it comes to your health (and your loved ones!).  

Don't sit by passively by waiting for a diagnosis. Be pro-active and start BUILDING HEALTH!


Allow me to guide YOU to greater health and general well-being through deeper self-awareness.

The path to health is definitely not easy but, I’m sure you will agree, nothing worth having ever is. It requires desire, passion, consciousness, bravery, vulnerability and, above all,  consistency. 

Strides and setbacks are a normal part of the process of figuring out what works for YOU. The first step is uncovering the reasons behind old patterns and developing a plan of corrective actions to overcome these obstacles.  Together we will set attainable goals that make sense to you that will result in the big changes over time!


My Coaching Certification

I completed the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy's state of the art, intense 12-month coaching and system's based Functional Medicine Health Coaching Program. 

FMCA's curriculum has the most cutting edge, scientifically proven information available on nutrition, health and disease prevention based on lifestyle choices. This encompasses all facets of health including nutrition, movement, relationships, spiritually, mindfulness, sleep & relaxation.


YOU are the GREATEST project you will ever work on!

I have shared my personal journey with you. Now let me be a part of yours. I would love to help you re-write YOUR story!

Contact me today. What do you have to lose?  

Scroll down for more before and after pics... 

Pics from 20 - 35 years old. The struggle was real :( and the 80's hair!

From 2011 to present...LIVING and loving my life! (and my home gym) <3

"Skye has a warm and inviting presence that made me feel extremely comfortable during our sessions. She asked me helpful questions that led me to understand more about myself and my health. She has been consistent throughout my time working with her and has really helped me stay accountable in my health goals. She is an amazing coach to work with, I highly recommend her!"

~ Gabby

"Skye was an amazing coach to work with. She really helped me discover what is important to me and how all different aspects of my life are connected. She always showed up to our sessions with such great energy and presence. She gave me the space to be myself, never passing judgment. She has an incredible ability to make you feel at ease. Skye has been the catalyst in helping me achieve a more positive and healthy lifestyle.."

 ~ Allie 

“....and so far I’m really loving how this has changed my thoughts about a healthier lifestyle. Much different feeling than any other. Somehow I’m wanting to be more successful and I see the success….”  Lori S.

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