
I'm happy you are here.

I'm Skye. I'm a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach specializing in LASTING weight loss for mid-life women!
My passion is helping women LOSE THE WEIGHT, build health and gain their confidence back.  
After going through my own weight loss transformation several years ago, I now help other women get out of the 'on or off' dieting mentality and make LASTING changes in their lives.
I'm not selling supplements or shakes.
I am here to give you the knowledge, the tools & the strategies that are going to JUMP-START your efforts without sacrificing your health!
I'm also here to help you with what I feel is THE BIGGEST, most critical piece...
The belief in yourself. 
Helping women to discover their worth is my superpower.
If you are ready to re-write YOUR story, you are in the right place...

It's YOUR Turn 90-day Journey to Lasting Weight Loss 

My new 90-day signature course is designed to help women jump-start their weight loss & health goals by addressing so much more than just your diet! I will help you to recognize and break through old patterns that are keeping YOU stuck! Gain back your confidence and feel proud about how you look and FEEL!

Click below to learn more details...



Check out my supports!

Lose the weight for good!

My NEW 90-day Journey to Lasting Weight Loss is designed to jump-start your health goals and break through old patterns that are keeping you stuck! I'll help you develop a new mind-set to get you out of the 'on or off' mentality of dieting for good!



Join my Facebook Group!

Request to join my free private facebook group where we share all things health & self-improvement! It's a fun interactive group!


Subscribe to my podcast!

Tune in to It's YOUR turn! with Skye podcast focusing on mind-set and motivation to help you stay focused on YOUR health goals!


Intermittent Fasting Course for Women!

Intermittent Fasting is such an AMAZING tool. Not only for weight loss, but for BUILDING HEALTH and ageing younger! It isn't a quick fix. I want to show you how you can adapt IF into your life for LASTING changes.

This video course is available for a one-time payment of $49.


LIVE Beginner Strength Training Group!

Meet up LIVE with Certified Fitness Instructor Nancy Heibel!  Nancy is both a Personal Trainer AND has worked in Physical Therapy for 20 years, giving her unique insight to the benefits of building back muscle mass and working AGAINST bone density loss. She educates about avoiding injury and offers modifications for each move...so no matter where you are with your fitness journey, THIS IS FOR YOU! 


What clients are saying...


Meet Bobbi Chegwyn 

Advocate for the Empty Nest Mom.

Listen to Bobbi's Fly Mom, Fly podcast episode where her and I talk ALL ABOUT IT! Click here

GET INSPIRED! Read more testimonials and feedback below....

Meet Brooklyn

Ever since I was little I’ve always been the “bigger” friend out of the group. I can’t remember a time that I wasn’t in some way insecure with how I looked.

Fast forward to high school and I finally got realllllly self disciplined, but to an extreme with counting calories in literally everything (even gum..) Looking back, it wasn’t in the healthiest of ways and I ended up gaining all of the weight back PLUS some.

Now to present time, thanks to my mom for educating me in her private fb groups and with her detox challenges, I’ve learned better ways of eating and finding substitutions for foods that were horrible for me. I’m no longer obsessed with calorie counting and I still have my bad days, but I dont beat myself up over it. I’m finally feeling confident and happier in general, inside and out.

Just weighed myself this morning and I’m actually down 42lbs now. Trust the process and give yourself grace.

~ Brooklyn White, 26 Administrative Assistant

Meet Laura

I’m so excited to share my client (now friend) Laura’s progress she has made since she joined my 90-day Journey to LASTING Weight Loss in January.

Laura had a history of yo-yo dieting, and came into the program admittedly very skeptical about her own ability to stay consistent with any of it!

She joined because she said the message of my program really resonated with her, and felt that I was able to relate to where she was at.

Laura said it was the support from our meetups and the one-on-one sessions that made the biggest difference for her.

“I feel like you really listened and cared and molded the program around our needs.

I honestly honestly love the way the program is set up. I didn’t always follow it perfectly, but I thought it was organized really well and one thing led really nicely into the next thing.

I learned so much about food and nutrition and behaviors around food. It armed me with information that has made me feel more in control. I love this program and am sad to be done”.

Laura is ‘down 20 lbs, on the move and taking action’ she says! 

What I know to be true is that the weight loss and the changes we see on the outside are really just the beginning.

The biggest transformation is what happens on the inside when we begin to see our own worth.

To begin to believe that SHE IS WORTH all the work and effort is what makes me the happiest!

When I asked Laura what would you say to other women who are on the fence about joining the 90-day program.....

In perfect humorous Laura fashion…”Fucking do it!"

~ Laura Franklin, 58 Teacher 

Meet Kris

Kris joined my 90-day program in January and completed it at the end of March and her progress is AMAZING!

She came into the program full of self-doubt, but she showed up to the meetups and did the work!

Kris not only lost the weight, she has gained so much confidence in HERSELF that she CAN do hard things!

It is in the work we do on OURSELVES during this process that is the real key to making LASTING CHANGES.

She has lost 22 lbs!! And said she finally likes herself.

"Skye…I can’t thank you enough for this program and for your encouragement and wisdom and friendship. You helped me more than you will ever know. I w as stuck in a body that I didn’t know who I was anymore and I hated me…. Wow what a turnaround in 90 days….I am beginning to really like me".

~ Kris Stanhope, 67. Retired from corporate HR world and widowed. 

Meet my handsome hubby Steve

I want to share my hubby's progress he has made since going through the sugar detox challenge in January of last year (2023)..completely of his own free will I swear! 

He went all in for the 21 days, but more importantly it made such a huge impact in how he felt, he is continuing on!
He's  lost over 35 lbs. by cutting out the majority of processed foods and sugar! His sweets are usually a variety of fruits and he still drinks his beer when he wants.
He's done great at finding a good balance and not depriving himself. He is such an advocate for it now because he really is surprised how doable it is. I never expected to see such a change just knowing he's never been interested in changing his diet or any of it!
He is off his cholesterol meds, his blood pressure has gone down and he rarely takes antacids anymore! These things are HUGE. For him it has never been about weight loss, just about feeling better and getting his energy back. I am SO incredibly happy and proud of him for taking control of his health.

This challenge is for anyone and everyone who is ready to make some changes to their health and start feeling better! NATURALLY.

~ Steve Dale, 60. Maintenance Supervisor

Meet Dave

"For 60 years I was extremely active and weight loss was not a major issue for me. I felt like I didn't need to pay much attention to my intake but as I progressed into my 60s my weight increased steadily until I was 50 pounds over my desired body weight.

I was still exercising, but not as much, but I ate and drank whatever and whenever. When Skye introduced me to her detox program it was a no-brainer and perfect timing for me. My wife and I joined her group in mid-April and we were quite strict with ourselves and didn't cheat. After 21 days I had lost 12 pounds and I had zero desire to go back to my prior eating habits. With the exception of alcohol, I'm still following Skye's lists of foods to eat and avoid. I drink less alcohol than before and tend towards hard ciders, kambuchas and seltzer, with an occasional beer, margarita or red wine some days. I've experienced a few frustrating plateaus with my weight loss but have stayed the course.

Thus far I've lost about 25 pounds and I don't plan on changing my shopping list. Today's purchases included chicken sausage, corn on the cob, plain yogurt, blueberries, cottage cheese, hummus, carrots, tomatoes, eggs and hard kambucha. I no longer pop Pepcids each day due to heartburn and I generally feel much better. Go for it! Sign up for the 21-day detox. What do you have to lose?"

*Update: Dave is currently down 49 lbs as of early November 2023!

~ Dave Claycomb, 70 years young!

Laurie J.

I can feel the difference in body and mind, and I am for once looking forward to continuing this journey of making myself healthier. I appreciate your coaching and guidance! My biggest takeaway, which you and I talked about a lot, was being okay with not being perfect each and every day. This time is different and I am letting myself have those moments of having a treat and not getting down on myself.  Here's to creating healthy habits! Thank you:)”

Lori S.

“Thank you for your patience and appreciate your support! Never really knew how much that meant to have the support until we started doing this and it really means a lot and it really helps because you have that person that you can bounce off of, you have that person that you can celebrate with, you have that person that can motivate you, so I really appreciate the one on one that has been the most helpful!"


Michele K.

"I have learned so much on this 21 day journey!  I never knew how much sugar is in everything, or even what a 'bad' oil was. I started reading labels and was shocked at what we were eating. Love love love all the recipe ideas and healthy swaps so we can still enjoy some of our favorites. The support, encouragement, and group camaraderie made this tough challenge doable!"


Jo S.

"This sugar detox was a great experience for me! I went into it hesitant and unsure whether or not I’d be able to make it the 21 days. Skye said it's about “progress not perfection”. There were some challenging days but I made it all the way through! I’m proud of myself! I’m hopeful this will be a lasting change for me. It isn’t just a sugar detox, Skye is there to help with so many aspects of health. The community of people going through the detox with you are wonderful as well. Everyone posting meal ideas, asking questions, talking about their struggles and successes. It’s great to have the support!  I’m happy to say that my face has cleared up, I’ve lost 10lbs, my stomach is flat, I’ve lost fat around my hips/love handles, and I have gained energy and the confidence I needed to improve my overall health! I would recommend this detox to anyone ready to take the step and put in the work! You are worth it!!! 


Dondi J.

"My WHY is my health as well as my quality of life. After a breast cancer diagnosis, chemo and 5 years of hormone blocking therapy, I'm at my highest weight ever.  I know I can do better and that's what I want for myself.  Thank you Skye, I am here because I am inspired by you. I wish I hadn't taken so long to commit!!


Crystal B.

"I didn’t think I could do a sugar detox of any kind. But after listening to Skye’s podcast and reading her posts I started to realize how much sugar is in the food I was buying, and it made me feel determined to try life without any sugar. I used her guides to shop and was happy to be able to put together some delicious meals for my family that were good for us!  I know I won’t stay 100% sugar free but I have the knowledge now to keep our sugar intake to a minimum. I won’t feel as bad about occasional desserts since my regular meals will be sugar-free! Thank you Skye for this health-changing program you’ve created."



A blog post from author and podcast host Bobbi Chegwyn:

Five weeks ago I quit sugar.

It wasn't just a lifestyle change; it marked the beginning of a transformative journey that reshaped my relationship with food and, ultimately, my entire life. The experience, as you might expect, was a combination of challenges and rewards, unlike anything I had previously encountered.

The decision to quit sugar was like opening a door to a room I had spent years avoiding. Inside that room, I found a treasure trove of emotions I had been burying beneath sugary treats and alcohol, especially during the emotionally turbulent phase of my empty nest. It became clear that facing these long-suppressed emotions was a critical part of my journey.

The first step in this transformation was recognizing the emotional turmoil I had been going through. For years, I had used sugar and alcohol as crutches to help me navigate life's ups and downs. However, I began to understand that this coping mechanism was not helping me truly live but rather numbing my experiences and ruining not only my physical health but my mental, emotional, and spiritual health as well. It was time to confront the emotions I had been evading for far too long.

The second step was an invitation to my emotions. It was about allowing these emotions to surface and asking the difficult questions. I gave myself the space to process these feelings, even the challenging ones. I was unpacking the emotional baggage I had carried for years. In doing so, I gained an astonishing amount of personal insight.

As time went on, unexpected changes began to happen. A profound mental clarity and a renewed surge of energy emerged. It felt as though the fog I had been living under for so long had finally lifted. My focus and memory improved, and I embraced a more optimistic and self-assured version of myself.

The most amazing and welcome surprise was I found myself rekindling my spiritual side. My belief in the power of intention, prayer, and faith has always been unwavering. I've long seen them as forms of personal magic. As my sugar-free journey continued, I started to sense that the ability to manifest positive changes was more accessible than ever before. Signs and symbols from the universe seemed to guide me, further deepening my spiritual connection.

A vital aspect of my journey was sustainability. While I remain committed to my sugar-free lifestyle, I have also learned to allow myself occasional indulgences without guilt. They are too sugar-free, but little treats I normally wouldn't have. It's all about balance. Roughly 90% of the time, I focus on honoring my health goals, but that remaining 10% is a space where I can enjoy the occasional treat without any sense of regret.

Perhaps the most profound lesson from this transformation is that progress far outweighs the quest for perfection. You don't need to overhaul your life overnight. It's about taking one step at a time, seeking support, and maintaining a positive mindset. My sugar-free journey goes beyond diet; it's a journey toward becoming the best version of myself.

You might be wondering about any loss of weight.  I'm happy to say I'm down 10lbs without counting calories or following recipes.

I believe that if I can do it, anyone can embark on this transformation.


Allie H.

"Skye was an amazing coach to work with. She really helped me discover what is important to me and how all different aspects of my life are connected. She always showed up to our sessions with such great energy and presence. She gave me the space to be myself, never passing judgment. She has an incredible ability to make you feel at ease. Skye has been the catalyst in helping me achieve a more positive and healthy lifestyle." 


Gabby W.

"Skye has a warm and inviting presence that made me feel extremely comfortable during our sessions. She asked me helpful questions that led me to understand more about myself and my health. She has been consistent throughout my time working with her and has really helped me stay accountable in my health goals. She is an amazing coach to work with, I highly recommend her!"  


Building Healthy Habits FB Group Member

"Hi lovely lady! I just wanted to tell you, all of your positivity and postings on health have really resonated with me. I decided a few weeks ago to stop eating anything with obvious sugar (not worrying about hidden sugars right now-just no candy or other junk food) and I also stopped tracking every damn thing I ate-it doesn’t do anything but make me feel bad! I’m just trying to focus on eating real food as much as possible, within reason and not obsessing. As a result, my sugar cravings have dropped dramatically-I used to always have to have a little something sweet after dinner, and now I don’t even think about it. I’ve dropped a few lbs (I don’t have much to lose so even a few lbs is huge for me!) and I’m just feeling better overall" "   



Food Noise - What is it and what can we do about it?

Oct 24, 2023

The Missing Piece

May 22, 2023

Risks of Ozempic

May 10, 2023


Schedule a call with me!

I'm looking forward to having a friendly chat about the ways that I can help you to get started on YOUR journey to LASTING weight loss!

To see if we would be a good fit to work together, I would love to get a little more information about YOU!

I value your time and I would like to have a better understanding of your situation prior to our meeting so I can be prepared with any questions .

Click on my calendar below to answer a few quick questions and schedule a call! 

Self-care is not selfish, it is necessary

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